The Healthy Solutions Approach

What is the Healthy Solutions Approach?

The Healthy Solutions approach for balancing the mind and body takes into account that we are all biologically different. Just as no two people have the same fingerprint, we are also unique in our biological functions. The Healthy Solutions approach is multi-step and self-empowering as it combines Clinical Nutrition, Self-Inquiry, and Energy Balancing.

Starting with questionnaires, a chronological life history interview, and laboratory testing (if available or desired), Douglas gathers information about your diet, metabolism, lifestyle, internal and external environment, and physical and life stress.

Douglas will then design a unique program just for you which will involve practical techniques of Self-Inquiry and Energy Balancing along with a personal plan for Clinical Nutrition in helping you reach your desired outcomes.

Douglas’ customized programs use his twenty-one years of experience to help you:

  • Enhance overall health

  • Recognize and address stressful responses

  • Support hormonal balance

  • Increase immunity

  • Address issues detrimental to good health

  • Improve sleep cycle

  • Generate more energy

How can Clinical Nutrition Impact Your Body’s Healing Potential?

A poor diet leads to nutritional deficiencies and can adversely affect your physical and mental health. The Healthy Solutions program includes a customized nutrition plan comprised of diet and lifestyle suggestions along with vitamin, mineral and/or other supplement recommendations that will help your return to optimal physiological function. Our assessment also includes the use of anthropomorphic measurements, physical signs, lab tests, and nutrition/lifestyle analysis to guide you in your quest to take charge of your health.

“The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.”

— Albert Einstein

What Can Self-Inquiry Teach You?

A special quality of energy is necessary to make changes and to assist in transformation. Self-Inquiry shows you how to monitor your mental energy. One major (and often overlooked) way we lose energy is through conscious or unconscious mental "chatter" around long-standing unresolved issues or the constant attempt to “figure out” the right solution to life's many challenges. This ongoing preoccupation with mental chatter is a waste of energy and often a roadblock to achieving optimal health. Remember, the brain weighs about 2.5 pounds, but it uses about 25% of the body’s energy. Your health is dependent on what you eat and drink, think and do.

Self-Inquiry teaches you how to observe your thoughts and notice when you are “overthinking” an issue. This observation has a calming effect which will save you mental energy. Then you can be more open to tap into your intuitive guidance system and move through change and transformation in a healthier way.

The process of Self-Inquiry will lead naturally to what I call Energy Balancing.

How can Energy Balancing “Jump-Start” Your Body?

We are a combination of electromagnetic frequencies spinning in space synchronized to form the physical body. Our body resembles a battery and, in a healthy state, it will actively recharge itself. However, our 'battery' can become depleted and lose power because of a non-supportive diet, overwork, surgery, illness, exposure to chemical or environmental toxins, electromagnetic exposure, or physical trauma.

Energy Balancing techniques can help to reduce stress which will benefit your entire body, lift your hopes, and give you a "jump-start.”